OtakuTalk Status

Status and Development blog for the mobile imageboard channel, OtakuTalk.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


So a guy on TinyChan had Offerd up some some hosting and Nega told me about it so that guy and me are talking about what his hosting is like via email.
This could be good. If its his own machine that he is running the server from than it would be easy him to modify the htaccess files or whatever to get TinyBBS running on it.
On the other hand there is no way to carry over any current topics and IDs. I realize that IDs don't really matter in ATBBS 1.0 but the topics mean a lot.
But even if we DO have to forgo the topics, it not like it would be hard to start them again, so its really not that bad once you think about it.
For those of you who don't know what TinyBBS is like, go here. Its the main site, click "demo" to try it out.

In other news I have not heard from host guy at all since the last post here about him getting hurt. I know he was on a lot of medication but I'm kinda worried.


  1. You can keep the topics and replies. I can help you with the move once the backend is working. Don't worry about it. The database structure is the same, we just need to add some fields.

  2. Blogger no longer alerts me when there are comments? lolwut
