OtakuTalk Status

Status and Development blog for the mobile imageboard channel, OtakuTalk.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hey guys, there's going to be about 30 minutes of downtime tonight for a hardware upgrade on our serv. Just FYI, so don't be scared.
Also I'm sitting in the rain with my netbook to post this. Yup, I'm a smart man.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


At first I thought I was going need a new domain for OTK because Lyev, the guy in control of the domain disappeared so I bought a .me domain since the .org domain was soon to expire. But then Lyev showed up on Tinychan and bought up the .org for another year. So, now we all have two domains. OTK can now be accessed from otakutalk.org and otakutalk.me. And both should keep working for the next year. As always if BOTH of those domains some get sniped off the entire internut somehow, it can always always always be navigated to from otakutalk.lostsignalweb.com.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


OTK is down, but its not just that, all of Lost Signal Network it down. Though we could be wrong, we belive it is because of a DDoS. Someone is DDoSing LSN because 789chan is also on LSN, and furries belive that 789chan hacks furrie youtube accounts constantly when its actually just one dude who happens to be a mod on 789, so furries are DDoSing back.

Seems a bit overkill to me. OTK and LSN never did anything to furries.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


We might soon have a problem with our regular .org domain, but never fear as OTK will still accessible through http://otakutalk.lostsignalweb.com
Just keep that in mind.

also irc is back up.
irc.n0v4.com #OTK

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Newslines are fixed! Once again coderanon saves the day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

(and a little late)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Got back from my birthday party to see that OTK had been down for a few days, it seems all of LostSignalNetwork is down, sadly that means 789chan is down too. Good news is that all we have to do wait for them to come back up. I've emailed SeannieB to personally ask him what happened, DDoS? Lol, I hope not SeannieB does not need that shit. Being a host would be stressful enough. Though he should really get a microblog or something so could very quickly let people know whats happening.

Anyway, http://bunker.minichan.org/topic/1084

Also, I wish you and all your waifus a very, very happy St.Valentines day!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Krodan and Terminal CSS added.
This is also the Historic day in witch we became a part the The *Chan Toplist.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Finished the new css, "2ch."
Its actually been on the server for a while, I just did not want to announce it until I had worked out one last bug.