Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thanks r04r.
Woohoo! We got Banners now! Anyone who wants to submit them can email them to me or post them in the sticky!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merri Christmasu!
I'm getting help from r04r of Minichan to implement some new eyecandy, and I've got a new css I'll try uploading in the few couple hours.
I hope you all get the manga you asked Santa for!
I hope you all get the manga you asked Santa for!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
LSN is down
Sorry. The Lost Signal Web network is down. Nothing I can do about it now, just gotta wait for SeanieB to work out whatever kinks his network has.
Take it Easy~
Take it Easy~
Monday, September 13, 2010
Nothing to report really.
I'm going to start working on some new css's soon. I tried to start a link trade between tohno-chan and otk, I put a link on otk but then the tohno-chan admin stopped responding to my emails.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
(chan) World Leaders Conference.
Currently talking with the leader of another very good, cancer-free *chan about a link trade.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Yeah, we were attacked by the regular faggot Toaster. He uploaded SEAA PEAA to OtakuTalk but then out awesome host cleaned it up before I even knew about it. is a awesome host. But shit from them.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Yeah, DDoS.
Confirmed by our host. He is doing his best to mitigate. I asked if I could help in any way and he said "Just ride it out."
I know OTK is down.
But I have no idea why. I know its not the softare itself, and that it is the network/sever/host/whatever. I just emailed our host and I'm hoping that he gets back to me quick.
Funny this is that Minichan is loading fine and they have the same host as us...
FTP is working fine but I still cannot accesses via or
Funny this is that Minichan is loading fine and they have the same host as us...
FTP is working fine but I still cannot accesses via or
Saturday, July 31, 2010
World of Advetising
Currently I'm talking with Finland from AwesomeTalk about advertising with under-the-logo tooltip ads. They will have a Ad on OTK, and we will have a Ad on AweT.
After that I will talk with someone from Minichan about the same thing. But they have multiple people with admin powers so I don't really know witch admin really 'owns' the place, and he would be the one to talk to about this. Hmmm
After that I will talk with someone from Minichan about the same thing. But they have multiple people with admin powers so I don't really know witch admin really 'owns' the place, and he would be the one to talk to about this. Hmmm
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
and Santa is real too.
We are now on a awesome host and are running awesome software.
And yes, you can NSFW now.
The only real thing left to do is to ask Whoreos to rewrite our old beloved css to work with the new software..Then the move will be 101% complete.
After that is done I will be building a single simple webpage that will house a gallery of Laura-chan artwork, and any OTK related images.
And when THAT is done I will moving on to a secret personal project I've been thinking of. Its nothing special, nor is it a service of some kind that you can use, just something fun for me to do on the side.
Till next time! ~grey
We are now on a awesome host and are running awesome software.
And yes, you can NSFW now.
The only real thing left to do is to ask Whoreos to rewrite our old beloved css to work with the new software..Then the move will be 101% complete.
After that is done I will be building a single simple webpage that will house a gallery of Laura-chan artwork, and any OTK related images.
And when THAT is done I will moving on to a secret personal project I've been thinking of. Its nothing special, nor is it a service of some kind that you can use, just something fun for me to do on the side.
Till next time! ~grey
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
So a guy on TinyChan had Offerd up some some hosting and Nega told me about it so that guy and me are talking about what his hosting is like via email.
This could be good. If its his own machine that he is running the server from than it would be easy him to modify the htaccess files or whatever to get TinyBBS running on it.
On the other hand there is no way to carry over any current topics and IDs. I realize that IDs don't really matter in ATBBS 1.0 but the topics mean a lot.
But even if we DO have to forgo the topics, it not like it would be hard to start them again, so its really not that bad once you think about it.
For those of you who don't know what TinyBBS is like, go here. Its the main site, click "demo" to try it out.
In other news I have not heard from host guy at all since the last post here about him getting hurt. I know he was on a lot of medication but I'm kinda worried.
This could be good. If its his own machine that he is running the server from than it would be easy him to modify the htaccess files or whatever to get TinyBBS running on it.
On the other hand there is no way to carry over any current topics and IDs. I realize that IDs don't really matter in ATBBS 1.0 but the topics mean a lot.
But even if we DO have to forgo the topics, it not like it would be hard to start them again, so its really not that bad once you think about it.
For those of you who don't know what TinyBBS is like, go here. Its the main site, click "demo" to try it out.
In other news I have not heard from host guy at all since the last post here about him getting hurt. I know he was on a lot of medication but I'm kinda worried.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I changed the image file size limit to 2mbs and made thumbnails a little bigger. I've been unable to find a host that is A: not a faggot and B: will work with our software.
The first host would have been great but they made certain htaccess stuff not allowed so the software would not work on it. And HostGuy and Whoreos were unable to setup the software on another one.
I've been looking around and come up with nothing. I'm getting sick of promising new software and not being able to go through with it just because we can't find a better host.
So I'm going to see about setting up the new software on our normal byethost account. Even if the board is still worksafe and we still have to watch out for the taboo words, I may still be able to give you guys the new software.
Though I doubt we would be able to keep all the old threads...we would probably have to reformat the whole database and start from scratch.
I want this to be a community decision, what do you guys think?
The first host would have been great but they made certain htaccess stuff not allowed so the software would not work on it. And HostGuy and Whoreos were unable to setup the software on another one.
I've been looking around and come up with nothing. I'm getting sick of promising new software and not being able to go through with it just because we can't find a better host.
So I'm going to see about setting up the new software on our normal byethost account. Even if the board is still worksafe and we still have to watch out for the taboo words, I may still be able to give you guys the new software.
Though I doubt we would be able to keep all the old threads...we would probably have to reformat the whole database and start from scratch.
I want this to be a community decision, what do you guys think?
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
HostGuy hurt himself!
Email from HostGuy:
"So I broke my wrist in a bike crash into a car last saturday, and im kind of still loopy (just got back from the hospital) when i get off of the vicodin and my wrist repairs I will continue to work on the project. sory.
My reply:
"Holy shit dude!
I'm sorry! Is it bad? How did you crash into the car?
Also, is it bad that I lol'd at how your typing gets progressively gets worse towards the end of your message?"
I'm a horrible person. ><;
"So I broke my wrist in a bike crash into a car last saturday, and im kind of still loopy (just got back from the hospital) when i get off of the vicodin and my wrist repairs I will continue to work on the project. sory.
My reply:
"Holy shit dude!
Also, is it bad that I lol'd at how your typing gets progressively gets worse towards the end of your message?"
I'm a horrible person. ><;
Friday, May 28, 2010
Something that bugs me, and could bother other people the fact that in really long threads (like the RP thread) it can end up taking forever to scroll back up to the top to go back to, and refresh, the homepage. I think in the new software I'll put a link back to the homepage at the bottom of every thread page. What do you guys think?
Sunday, May 23, 2010
OT2 Update
All needed files have been succseffuly uploaded and almost all of them have been rewritten/customized to fit OT as well. The old CSS will need to be changed to work with new makup syntax features. The FaQ and Rules page you guys currently see will be carried over, only changed a bit to say this hentai is allowed and SEAA!!! PEAA!!! is not. At the moment only the front page works. Everything else 404's on us.
Well, back to work!
Oh yeah, hey Tkun, thanks for the favicon. :) After everythings working I will go about animating it like the way another Anon in the favicon thread suggested.
Well, back to work!
Oh yeah, hey Tkun, thanks for the favicon. :) After everythings working I will go about animating it like the way another Anon in the favicon thread suggested.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
I'm not dead.
Just busy. Work is going forward. Theres Some database info I need that I'm waiting on our host guy to email me back about. I guess that's just what I'll call him now, since I can't use his real name obviously. HostGuy. Thats your name now.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Shitty host is shitty.

Well wtf is this shit? I have no idea whats going on, but I'm not 100% sure it has to do with our host this time. I'm not even sure why this would happen. Its not like we own that domain and forgot to play the bill. Its a sub-domain on byethost...
Also other byethost *talks are still up.
I can't wait till we move.
Well its back up. That was odd. Turns out all byethost sites under the byethost13 sub-domain went down, not just us, but other sub-domains like byethost8 were just fine.
Friday, April 30, 2010
I've decided to move to this other Anon who said that he'll host us, I've sent him a email saying so. Currently our mean host has been quiet. For the moment.
There will be a lot of testing and tweaking done before it goes live though, so I don't crash the sql like last time. Don't expect it anytime soon though, it'll be a while.
There will also be a few changes and surprises to look forward to. Nothing *huge* but surprises none the less.
There will be a lot of testing and tweaking done before it goes live though, so I don't crash the sql like last time. Don't expect it anytime soon though, it'll be a while.
There will also be a few changes and surprises to look forward to. Nothing *huge* but surprises none the less.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
New Begnnings.
Due to the faggotry of our 'current' host I have created a status blog for OtakuTalk so I can communicate with you all when when OtakuTalk is down and tell you about upcoming changes, new features, and upgrades. I went with Blogger because Tumbr and Posterious were both way too Web2.0-y and posting with Tumbr was awkward.
After getting our Byethost account reactivated for the second time (They shut it down for most of the day today for no reason) they said simply "Reactivating for the last time." Jeeez, I did everything they asked, what more do they want?
Currently I've been speaking with someone who has offered to host us pro-bono and buy a domain. He would also have full access to our source code. This seems extremely fishy to us. Why would a random Anon offer to take us onto his hosting and spend his jewgolds on us? I just don't see it why anyone (particularly Anonymous) would do such a thing. I'm looking into any good free hosts or implausibly cheap ones. Its not that I don't want to spend the money, its that I don't have the money.
tl;dr: Need non-faggot free host, wat do?
After getting our Byethost account reactivated for the second time (They shut it down for most of the day today for no reason) they said simply "Reactivating for the last time." Jeeez, I did everything they asked, what more do they want?
Currently I've been speaking with someone who has offered to host us pro-bono and buy a domain. He would also have full access to our source code. This seems extremely fishy to us. Why would a random Anon offer to take us onto his hosting and spend his jewgolds on us? I just don't see it why anyone (particularly Anonymous) would do such a thing. I'm looking into any good free hosts or implausibly cheap ones. Its not that I don't want to spend the money, its that I don't have the money.
tl;dr: Need non-faggot free host, wat do?
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